Annie Leibovitz

Teaches You Photography

Annie brings you into her studio and onto her shoots to teach you everything she knows about portraiture and telling stories through images.

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Learn From The Best. Be Your Best.

Annie Leibovitz, Rolling Stone’s first female chief photographer and the last to capture John Lennon, now brings her storytelling mastery to her first online photography class. Learn beyond gear and technology; it’s all about the narrative. Annie shares her philosophy: developing concepts, engaging subjects, harnessing natural light, and vivifying photos in post-production. Elevate your photography by seeing the world through Annie’s legendary perspective.

Course Content.

Annie Leibovitz, renowned for her iconic photography featured in museums, books, and leading magazines like Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone, now steps into the role of your personal instructor. As she introduces her class, Annie delves into her illustrious career and explores the profound impact of storytelling through the lens of photography.

Annie discusses portraiture and photojournalism, and what makes portrait photography so compelling for her as a medium. Learn why Annie loves the photo series and why a single image cannot truly “capture” a person.

Annie unravels her approach to crafting imaginative and creative concepts for her photo shoots, offering insights through examples from her work with notable figures like Tess Gallagher, Amy Schumer, Keith Haring, and Whoopi Goldberg, among others.

Annie discusses her philosophy around photography equipment, working with natural light, and the value of keeping your lighting kit small.

Annie talks about her approach to studio photography, her strong preference for shooting on location, and the role of environment in her portraiture.

Annie discusses her method of interacting with subjects during a photo shoot, challenging the common belief that it’s the photographer’s duty to make the subject feel comfortable.

Enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at Annie’s photoshoot for Vogue magazine, where she captures the cast of Angels in America. Watch her and her team set up the photoshoot, effect her concept, and show the way she works with her subjects.

Annie explores the reasons why your family and loved ones can be the most compelling subjects for photography, and the unique opportunities that arise from photographing those who are closest to you.

Annie discusses the importance of self-reflection and explains why it’s so important for every photographer to look back at their work.

In this section, Annie discusses her journey from film to digital photography, emphasizing the valuable lessons learned in the darkroom. She also offers her views on focus and sharpness, underscoring that ultimately, it’s the content of the image that truly counts.

Annie engages with students from her former school, the San Francisco Art Institute, providing critiques of their work and imparting her perspective on fundamental photography principles.

Annie takes you behind the scenes of a photo session with famed chef Alice Waters. Discover how Annie developed the concept for the photographs, conducted her research, and prepared for the shoot.

Annie offers a unique glimpse into her digital post-production techniques and shares her insights on what it entails to be a photographer and a creative artist.

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, Alfred Stieglitz, and Richard Avedon—Annie introduces us to the photographers who have inspired her, sharing the personal lessons she has derived from their work.

Discover how Annie’s artistic journey influenced her development as a photographer, tracing her path from the inspiration of family photographs to her experiences at the San Francisco Art Institute and Rolling Stone. *Note: Lessons marked with an asterisk feature images that include nudity.



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